

For more information or answers to your questions about our 癌症治疗, please call 315 464-hope (4673) to speak with an 北州癌症中心 representative.


胃癌 is the growth of 癌症 cells in the stomach. 的 stomach is the organ in the upper belly that receives food. 不同类型的胃 癌症:

  • Adenocarcinoma—tumors of the innermost layer (most common)
  • Lymphoma—a 癌症 of the immune system, sometimes in the stomach wall
  • 胃 stomal tumors—tumors of the stomach wall
  • Carcinoid tumors—tumors of the hormone-producing cells of the stomach
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Cancer happens when cells divide without control or order. 的se cells grow together to form a tumor. 他们 can invade and damage nearby tissues. 他们 can also spread to other parts of the body.

It is not clear what 原因 changes in the cells. It is likely a combination of genes and environment.


胃癌在男性中更为常见. It is also more common in people from eastern Asia, eastern Europe, and South America. Other things that may raise the risk are:

  • 某些感染,如 幽门螺杆菌 (H. pylori) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • Genes, or family history of stomach 癌症—or certain 癌症 syndromes
  • 高含量的饮食:
    • Salt, salt-preserved, and pickled foods
    • 红肉或加工肉
  • 超重或肥胖
  • 吸烟 or 酒精使用障碍
  • 恶性贫血
  • 以前的胃部手术
  • Ménétrier disease, or certain types of long-term gastritis


In some people, stomach 癌症 may have no 症状. 其他人可能有:

  • Belly pain, discomfort, bloating, or fullness
  • 不劳而获的减肥
  • 失去饥饿感
  • 痛苦的吞咽
  • 呕吐物或粪便中带血
  • 虚弱或疲劳
  • 持续恶心和呕吐
  • A swelling or mass in the belly area


的 doctor will ask about 症状 and past health. 一个物理 检查就完成了.


Imaging tests will be used to look for stomach 癌症 or 癌症扩散. 它们可能包括:

胃癌被诊断为 活组织检查. 这意味着 and testing a small sample of stomach tissue.

的 exam and test results are used to diagnose the 癌症. 他们 也用于分级. 胃癌 is staged from 0 to 4. 数字越小, 癌细胞扩散得越少.


Cancer 治疗 depends on the stage and type of 癌症. A combination of therapies may be used.

Surgery may be done to remove the 癌症 to try to cure it. 或者,可以做手术来 ease 症状 in advanced stomach 癌症.


  • Endoscopic mucosal resection—removal of the tumor through an endoscope
  • Subtotal gastrectomy—removal of the lower part of the stomach
  • Total gastrectomy—removal of the whole stomach and often nearby lymph nodes

化学治疗(化疗) includes drugs that may be given by mouth or 杀死癌细胞. 它可以使用:

  • Before surgery, sometimes with radiation—to shrink the tumor
  • After surgery, often with radiation—to remove any remaining 癌症 cells
  • As the main 治疗—if the 癌症:

Radiation therapy shrinks or kills 癌症 cells with high energy rays or particles. It may be used with chemo before, after, or instead of surgery.

Other 治疗s that may be used include:

  • Targeted therapy—drugs that target 癌症 cells
  • Immunotherapy—drugs that help the body fight 癌症


的 risk of stomach 癌症 may be lowered by:

  • Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight
  • 治疗H. 螺杆菌感染
  • 健康饮食,以及:
    • Limiting salted, pickled, and smoked foods
    • 少吃红肉
    • 限制酒精
  • 不吸烟

Some people have a very high risk of stomach 癌症 due to genes. For them, stomach removal (gastrectomy) may be an option.


  • 胃腺癌. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可以在: http://www.力学.com/condition/gastric-adenocarcinoma.
  • General information about gastric 癌症. 国家癌症 学院网站. 可以在: http://www.癌症.gov/types/stomach/patient/stomach-治疗-pdq#section/%5F1.
  • Kamboj AK, Cotter TG,等. 幽门螺杆菌: the past, present, and future in management. 梅奥临床项目. 2017;92(4):599-604.
  • 胃癌. 美国癌症协会网站. 可用 在:http://www.癌症.org/癌症/stomach-癌症.html.

Library resources related to stomach 癌症.


的 detailed guide includes descriptions of 原因, 风险因素, 预防, 诊断, 暂存, 治疗s and what's new in stomach 癌症研究.
Health information on stomach 癌症 from the Mayo Clinic Foundation, 包括:描述, 症状, 原因, 风险因素, 并发症, 测试和诊断, 治疗和药物, 预防, 以及应对和支持.
Link to a search of the MedlinePlus database for health information on stomach 癌症. MedlinePlus links are managed by medical librarians at the National Library of Medicine.
Links to information from the 国家癌症 Institute on 治疗, 临床试验, 预防, 遗传学, 原因, 癌症研究, 和筛选.
信息rmation about medical care for stomach 癌症 from the 国家癌症 Institute. 的 page includes information on 风险因素, 诊断, 暂存, 治疗, 后续护理, 癌症研究.
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